
    List of Judges

    All Judges
    Profile Picture Name Designation
    Harshit singh Sri Harshit SinghPrincipal District and Sessions Judge
    Manoj Kumar I Sri Manoj Kumar-IPrincipal Judge (Family Court)
    Uday Pratap Singh Sri Uday Pratap SinghDistrict and additional Session Judge 1st
    Sudesh kr srivastava Sri Sudesh Kumar SrivastavaDistrict and Addl. Sessios Judge 3
    Mrs. Anupam Kumari Mrs. Anupam KumariDistrict and Additional Session Judge 10th
    Sanjeet kr Sri Sanjeet Kumar SinghDistrict and Addl. Sessios Judge 5th
    DEv Raj Sri Dev RajExclusive Spl. Excise Court No 01
    Amit kr sharma Sri Amit Kumar SharmaSpecial Judge POCSO Act
    Sunil kr V Sri Sunil Kumar Singh-VDistrict and Addl. Sessios Judge 8th
    Sri Sonelal Rajak Sri Sonelal RajakDistrict and Additional Session Judge 11th
    Kamal Kumar Sri Kamal KumarDistrict and Addl. Sessios Judge 9th
    Manas Kumar Vatsal Sri Manas Kumar VatsalDistrict and Addl. Sessios Judge 7th
    Devesh kr Sri Devesh KumarCivil Judge (Sr.Div.)-IV cumCJM cum ASJ-II
    Bhola Singh Sri Bhola SinghSub Judge I cum Acjm I
    Vinit kr singh Sri Vinit Kumar SinghCivil Judge (Sr. Div)-III , Dumraon Sub Division
    Neha dayal. Miss Neha DayalSecretary, District Legal Services Authority
    Ranjana dubey Miss Ranjana DubeySub Divisional Judiclal Magistrate
    Harshwardhan singh Sri Harshvardhan SinghCivil Judge (Jr Div)-I
    neha tripathi Miss Neha TripathiCivil Judge (Jr Div)-II
    gaurav singh Sri Gaurav Kumar SinghJ.M. 1st Class, Court No-11 cum Addl. Civil Judge (Jr. Div.)-IV